Section: Dissemination

Scientific Animation

Pascal Durrens is :

  • leader of the “Comparative Genomics” theme and member of the Scientific Council of the LaBRI UMR 5800/CNRS.

  • responsible for scientific diffusion for the Génolevures Consortium.

  • member of the editorial board of the journal ISRN Computational Biology, and was reviewer for the journal BMC Genomics

  • expert in Genomics for the Fonds de la Recherche Scientifique-FNRS (FRS-FNRS), Belgium

David Sherman is :

  • president of the Commission de Jeunes Chercheurs, Inria Bordeaux Sud-Ouest

  • member for Bordeaux Sud-Ouest of Inria's Young Scientists Mission

  • member of the editorial board of the journal Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine